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We believe that if people know more about the world’s creatures they will better care for them. That’s why we add new animals for you to discover – each and every day! Learn about any animal using the search box below or subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Also, be sure to check out our growing list of Animal Quizzes.

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Latest from A-Z Animals

5 Beaches Near Tampa Bay with the Most Shark Attacks

Red alert! This is not a drill. this is also not the movie Jaws. Ever since Jaws came out, we've all been a bit afraid of shark attacks happening on… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 3 hours ago

Are Butterflies Pollinators and Just How Valuable Are They To Nature?

Butterflies are associated with warm sunny days and beautiful gardens. With their brightly colored wings and slender bodies, they are one of the most enchanting members of the insect world.… Read More

By Sharon Parry 4 hours ago

6 Colors Known to Repel Sharks

We've all seen the movie Jaws. Interestingly enough, it was first a novel that then got turned into a movie and it catapulted sharks into fame. Now we have the… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 1 day ago

There Are Over 160 Dialects of English. Which Do You Speak?

English is the most popular language in the world, with about 1.5 billion speakers on every continent. As a result of the British Empire's colonization of about 25% of the… Read More

By Drew Wood 1 day ago

The 3 Most Alligator-Infested Rivers in Mississippi

American alligators are found throughout the south in the U.S. In the country, there are around 5 million American alligators. Mississippi isn't a massive hub for alligators, but don't be… Read More

By Nixza Gonzalez 1 day ago

Does Eucalyptus Repel Bugs? Yes! Here’s How to Use It

While some people wait all year for the spring and summer to come around, others aren’t as excited. Although this time of year comes with beach trips, picnics, and sunshine,… Read More

By Alanna Davis 2 days ago

The 15 States Where Sea Turtles Make Their Nests

Sea turtle nesting season is one of the most magical times of the year for many people. Luckily, there are several places throughout the country where you can observe this… Read More

By Alanna Davis 2 days ago

10 Natural and Effective Ways to Get Rid of Black Widows

More than 3,700 species of spiders make their home in the United States. Even people who do not like spiders have to accept that there will be some in their… Read More

By Sharon Parry 3 days ago

8 Methods for Getting Rid of Pigeons Naturally 

Pigeons may seem like harmless birds but when they gather in numbers on and around your property, that can be a problem. Some people even call them the 'rats of… Read More

By Sharon Parry 3 days ago

The 7 Main Types of Animals And Their Characteristics

There are many different types of animals in the world, but some of the largest categories include:

Mammals around the world!


The official mammal class is Mammalia. Animals that are considered mammals include warm-blooded vertebrates that have hair or fur and whose babies drink milk. Unlike other animal types like birds and insects, all mammal babies drink milk that comes from their mother’s bodies. This is one of the key ways to know if an animal is a mammal.

See the complete list of mammals.

Close up of a colorful lizard


Lizards, dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, and snakes – all belong to that ancient and stout class of animals known as the reptiles. This is a diverse group with more than 10,000 different species and a huge representation in the fossil record. Once the dominant land vertebrates on the planet, reptiles still occupy just about every single ecosystem outside of the extreme north and south.

See the complete list of reptiles.

Beta fighting fish


Fish are aquatic vertebrates. They usually have gills, paired fins, a long body covered with scales, and tend to be cold-blooded. “Fish” is a term used to refer to lampreys, sharks, coelacanths and ray-finned fishes, but is not a taxonomic group, which is a clade or group containing a common ancestor and all its descendants.

See the complete list of fish.

Colorful birds


Birds, members of the class Aves, include more than 10,400 living species. Their feathers distinguish them from all other classes of animal; no other animals on earth have them. If you see an animal with feathers, it’s undoubtedly a bird. Like mammals, birds are warm-blooded vertebrates with four-chambered hearts. However, they are more closely related to reptiles and are believed to have evolved from dinosaurs.

See the complete list of birds.

Golden eyed leaf frog


The official class of amphibians is Amphibia. To have the classification of an amphibian, an animal must be a vertebrate, require water to survive, be cold-blooded, and spend time both on land and in water. Though other animals only live on land or in the water, amphibians have the unique ability to thrive equally in both. Amphibians cover over 6,000 different species across the globe, but about 90% are frogs.

See the complete list of amphibians.

Queen butterfly danaus gilippus on blue hydrangea flowers.


The definition of an invertebrate is any animal that does not have a backbone or vertebral column. The most prolific and easily recognizable members of the invertebrate family are insects. It’s estimated that upwards of 30 million individual species of invertebrates may exist accounting for between 90-95 percent of all organisms on the planet.

See the complete list of invertebrates.

Queen butterfly danaus gilippus on blue hydrangea flowers.


All insects are part of the taxonomical phylum Arthropoda, and they are collectively referred to as arthropods. It is common to see this name misspelled as “anthropod,” but this is not the correct term. They can be found in nearly every environment on the planet, and they currently account for over half of all known living organisms in the world. They have undergone many cycles of evolution depending on the resources available to them.

See the complete list of insects.

Explore Types of Wild Animals from Around the World

We track thousands of animals from every continent and corner on earth, and are adding more every day!

  • African Animals – Africa is home to some of the most incredible and dangerous animals in the world.
  • Asian Animals – Asia has the world’s longest coastline, and an amazing diversity of exotic animals, birds, and more.
  • Central American Animals – Discover the the nearly 400 different animals we track in Central America today.
  • Eurasian Animals – Eurasia has some of the rarest animals in the world, like Siberian Tigers and Snow Leopards.
  • European Animals – We track over 500 different animals in Europe, including wolves and bears.
  • North American Animals – North America has many beautiful national parks that house some of the rarest animals on earth.
  • Marine (Ocean) Animals – The ocean is teaming with life, from the smallest shrimp to the largest animal ever – the Blue Whale!
  • Oceanian Animals – Oceania has many islands, and the world’s highest concentration of marsupials.
  • South American Animals – Home to the stealthy Jaguar, the friendly Capybara, and many more!

See Endangered and Extinct Animals Lists

A-Z Animals follow’s the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species definitions of threatened and endangered animals. Please consult the lists below to learn more about which animals need our help the most

  • Extinct – Species that no longer exist on earth
  • Extinct in the Wild – Species that are only known to survive in captive or cultivated environments
  • Critically Endangered – Animals that face an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild
  • Endangered – Animal species that face a high risk of extinction in the wild
  • Vulnerable – Animal species that face a risk of extinction in the wild
  • Near Threatened – Species that are facing population challenges and likely to become vulnerable to extinction soon
  • Least Concern – Animals with strong populations that are not expected to face extinction risk in the near future
  • Data Deficient – Species where we lack adequate information to assess the risk
  • Not Evaluated – Animal species that have not been evaluated yet

Types of Animals By Letter: Explore A to Z Animal Lists

See lists of animals that start with every letter of the alphabet, from A to Z. We track all types of animals like lions and tigers, dogs and cats, even dinosaurs and spiders. Choose your favorite letter below to see all animals that start with it today.

A Australian Retriever
Animals that Start with A

Example: The Australian Retriever

A Barinasuchus
Animals that Start with B

Example: The Barinasuchus

A Crabeater Seal
Animals that Start with C

Example: The Crabeater Seal

A Daug
Animals that Start with D

Example: The Daug

A Elephant Fish
Animals that Start with E

Example: The Elephant Fish

A Finnish Lapphund
Animals that Start with F

Example: The Finnish Lapphund

A Gray Fox
Animals that Start with G

Example: The Gray Fox

A Horned Adder
Animals that Start with H

Example: The Horned Adder

A IMG Boa Constrictor
Animals that Start with I

Example: The IMG Boa Constrictor

A Jumping Spider
Animals that Start with J

Example: The Jumping Spider

A King Penguin
Animals that Start with K

Example: The King Penguin

A Leaf-Tailed Gecko
Animals that Start with L

Example: The Leaf-Tailed Gecko

A Masiakasaurus
Animals that Start with M

Example: The Masiakasaurus

A Northern Potoo
Animals that Start with N

Example: The Northern Potoo

A Oak Toad
Animals that Start with O

Example: The Oak Toad

A Pink Toed Tarantula
Animals that Start with P

Example: The Pink Toed Tarantula

A Quagga
Animals that Start with Q

Example: The Quagga

A Ragamuffin
Animals that Start with R

Example: The Ragamuffin

A Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Animals that Start with S

Example: The Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

A Tropicbird
Animals that Start with T

Example: The Tropicbird

A Uinta Ground Squirrel
Animals that Start with U

Example: The Uinta Ground Squirrel

A Vampire Bat
Animals that Start with V

Example: The Vampire Bat

A Whinchat
Animals that Start with W

Example: The Whinchat

A Xiongguanlong
Animals that Start with X

Example: The Xiongguanlong

A Yorkie Bichon
Animals that Start with Y

Example: The Yorkie Bichon

A Zuchon
Animals that Start with Z

Example: The Zuchon

Everything To Know About Pet Dogs, Cats Birds, and More

Some of the most popular types of animals on earth are pets. A pet is a domesticated animal that lives with a person or family, usually in a house. The most common pets include dogs, cats, fish, and birds, but there are also many amazing exotic pets like reptiles, lizards, and more! Horses, goats, and pigs can also be pets too.

Pet Dogs

Dogs are the most popular type of pet on earth with nearly 500 million worldwide. Thats almost one dog for every 15 people on earth! There are hundreds of different dog breeds. The Irish Wolfhound is the largest dog breed, and was bred to hunt wolves. Chihuahuas are the smallest, and were likely bred for companionship or to hunt small rodents. The most popular dog breeds are below.

A Irish Setter
Irish Setter

Has a beautiful coat that's flowing and feathered!

A Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier

Friendly, lovable and very strong!

A Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever

Trusting, kind and gentle!

Pet Cats

Cats are the second most popular pet on earth with nearly 400 million worldwide. Thats almost one pet cat for every 20 people on earth! You can read about the hundreds of different cat breeds, from the large to the small. The most popular cat breeds are below

A Abyssinian

One of the oldest cat breeds in the world!

A Australian Mist
Australian Mist

The only cat breed to originate in Australia.

A Ragdoll

One of the larger breeds of domestic cat!

Pet Product Reviews

Pets are important members of our families and should be cared for. The AZ Animals team reviews the latest research on pet health, consults veterinarian best practices, and works directly with vet health specialists to review the best products for your dog, cat, and other pets. We’re excited to share our expert pet product recommendations with you, including the best dog food, best cat food, and best tanks for your pet fish

More Animal News, Facts, Rankings, and More!

160 Biblical Dog Names and Their Meanings

Are you the proud owner of a brand-new puppy? If so, you might have spent some time brainstorming potential names for your new furry friend. However, this process can be… Read More

By Alanna Davis 3 days ago

Airedale Terrier Coat: Colors, Patterns, and Feel

Hailing from England’s Yorkshire region, the Airedale terrier is a playful pup and versatile working dog. Known as the “King of Terriers”, this large breed is a distinguished dog with… Read More

By Kellianne Matthews 3 days ago

Hydroxyzine Dosage Chart for Dogs: Risks, Side Effects, Dosage, and More

Key Points Hydroxyzine is used "off-label" in dogs, primarily for allergies. The most common side effect of hydroxyzine in dogs is drowsiness. This medication may not be suitable for dogs… Read More

By Angie Menjivar 3 days ago

Are Yellow Jackets Pollinators and Just How Valuable Are They To Nature?

Bees and butterflies may be the most familiar pollinators, but they aren't the only ones. Other insects and birds are beneficial pollinators for the garden, including hummingbirds, wasps, flies, and beetles. Yellow jackets are a… Read More

By Jennifer Geer 3 days ago

Plott Hound Progression: Growth Chart, Milestones, and Training Tips

Are you the proud owner of a Plott Hound puppy? If so, congratulations! This breed is famous for its loving personality, sharp intelligence, and unwavering loyalty. While purchasing a new… Read More

By Alanna Davis 4 days ago

Afghan Hound Progression: Growth Chart, Milestones, and Training Tips

Afghan hounds are striking and unique dogs. Their coat is spectacular and they are known for their poise and elegance. Owning these dogs is both a joy and a challenge… Read More

By Sharon Parry 4 days ago

The Top 8 Smells Attracting Cats to Your Yard

Is your home a hotspot for all of the cats in your neighborhood? If your yard is attracting cats all day long, there may be more to your landscaping than… Read More

By August Croft 4 days ago

8 Effective Ways to Get Rid of Crickets in Your Yard

Although some insects are warmly welcomed in backyards across the world, others can be quite a nuisance. If you're dealing with a cricket problem, there are several tried and true… Read More

By Alanna Davis 5 days ago

250 Amazing British Dog Names

Brits love their dogs! Britain is the country of origin for so many iconic dog breeds - the Yorkshire terrier and the Staffordshire bull terrier to name just two. It… Read More

By Sharon Parry 5 days ago

7 Clean Energy Sources: Which is the Best for Nature and Humans?

Clean energy is all the rage these days, and billions of dollars are being invested in it. Countries, companies, and investors who place their bet on the right technologies could… Read More

By Drew Wood 5 days ago

Are Carpenter Bees Pollinators and Just How Valuable Are They To Nature?

Although you might not know it, pollination is one of the most important tasks on planet Earth. If the insects that pollinate plants disappeared tomorrow, the food chain would be… Read More

By Alanna Davis 5 days ago

Lousiana Crabbing Season: Timing, Bag Limits, and Other Important Rules

As humans evolved, so did their techniques to get food. We became hunters, as well as gatherers. Of course, that was long ago. Now, we go to the grocery store… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 5 days ago

The Most Effective Homemade Fire Ant Treatment

Fire ants are some of the toughest insects you'll find in the U.S. These adaptable survivors can thrive in many different environments and withstand extreme conditions. Fire ants usually build… Read More

By Kellianne Matthews 6 days ago

12 Things that Attract Spiders to Your Home

Most household spiders are not only harmless, but they are also actually quite beneficial to your home. Serving as a free and natural pest control, spiders hunt and eat pests… Read More

By Kellianne Matthews 6 days ago

18 Irritating Pests Repelled by the Scent of Tea Tree Oil

Quite a few pests can make daily life a problem. Whether you're out in nature, trying to grow a garden, or even sitting in the safety of your own home,… Read More

By Nina Phillips 6 days ago

Does Lavender Repel Mice? Yes! Here’s How to Use It

Having mice in your home is never a pleasant experience. These little rodents often chew through furniture, important wires, and food on top of leaving droppings all over your house.… Read More

By Nina Phillips 6 days ago

The 15 Most Valuable Shipwreck Treasure Hauls Ever Recorded

The lure of sunken treasure is captivating. The mystery of finding long-lost jewels, coins, and artifacts at the bottom of the ocean can be very alluring. Sunken ships also offer… Read More

By Jennifer Geer 7 days ago

The Largest Channel Catfish Ever Caught in Arkansas

In a world of records, there are always these competitions carried out to be the best one. When it comes to the world of fishing, there is always a friendly… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 1 week ago

Florida’s Alligator-Infested Rivers: Can You Swim In the Rainbow River?

American alligators are the only species that can be found natively in the United States (and also in Mexico’s Gulf Coast waters). These ferocious creatures are famous for roaming around… Read More

By Patrick MacFarland 1 week ago

Australian Cattle Dog Prices in 2024: Purchase Cost, Vet Bills, and More!

The Australian cattle dog, also known a blue or red heeler, is a persistent, intelligent, and loyal pup with boundless energy. They are herders and their cleverness frequently leaves their… Read More

By Angie Menjivar 1 week ago

See all of A-Z Animals News and Information.

Animal Reference Guides And Educational Resources

We believe if people are more educated about the world’s animals, they will better car for them. That’s why we are building the world’s greatest animal encyclopedia, completely free to you. Please take a moment to learn more about animals today using these helpful guides and resources:

  • Reference Library – See helpful information on conservation, classification, animal evolution, and more
  • Glossary – A list of scientific and technical animal terms, with definitions
  • Animal Habitats – Learn all about different animal habitats
  • Diet – The different animal diets like omnivores, herbivores, and carnivores defined with examples
  • Behavior – Learn all about animal intelligence, communication, community, language, migration, and more.

Animal Encyclopedia With Facts, Pictures, Definitions, and More! FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) 

What are the 6 types of animals?

The 6 types of animals are mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and invertebrates. Additionally, animals are classified in many different ways, which you may learn about in this complete guide to animal classification.

What are the 10 most popular animals?

The 10 most popular animals on AZ Animals are:

  1. Lion
  2. Panther
  3. Amur Leopard
  4. Polar Bear
  5. White Tiger
  6. Wolf
  7. Millipede
  8. Arctic Fox
  9. Marble Fox
  10. Rhinoceros 

How many animals are there?

There are over 1 million known animal species and more than 98% of those are insects, which are indeed animals.